Ducts/ canalOf which part
1.       Anal canalIn mammalian rectum
2.       Aqueduct of Sylvius (iter)Between II & IV brain ventricles
3.       Auditory duct or Eustachian/ Pharyngo-tympanic tubeJoins pharynx with middle ear.
4.       Bartholin’s ductOf the sublingual gland
5.       Bidder’s canalConnection of testes to kidneys in frog
6.       Bile ductDuct from gall bladder to duodenum in vertebrates
7.       Canal of SchlemmDrains extra aqueous humour from anterior eye chamber to maintain intraocular pressure. Blockade of canal causes glaucoma
8.       Cerebrospinal canalIn the spinal cord of vertebrates
9.       Cervical canalIn the vagina of mammal
10.     Cochlear canalIn internal ear of mammal modified for hearing
11.     Collecting ductIn mammalian kidney to collect urine
12.     Cystic ductBile duct connecting liver with gall bladder
13.     Duct of Bellini (Papillary duct)In mammalian kidney that opens on tip of renal papillae. Collecting ducts receiving collecting tubules of nephrons
14.     Ductus choledochusThe bile duct
15.     Ductus endolymphaticusFrom membrane, labyrinth to endolymphatic sac
16.     Endolymphatic ductStarting from vestibule (Sacculus) of internal ear dilated to form endolymphatic sac to store endolymph
17.     Eustachian tubeRefer auditory duct
18.     Haversian canalsIn the long bones of mammals for nutrition, excretion and respiration.
19.     Hepatic ductOriginates from hepatocytes in liver and unites with cystic duct from gall bladder
20.     Hepato-panceatic ductCommon duct that conducts juices from pancreas and liver to duodenum
21.     Hyaloids canalIn mammalian eye enveloping vitreous humor
22.     Inguinal canalIn groin region to connect abdominal cavity with scrotal sac
23.     Lachrymal ductOf tear glands opening at the medial border of the eye; lachrymal glands beneath the upper eyelid
24.     Lactiferous ductCarrying milk from mammary glands to nipple or teats
25.     Laurer’s canalIn trematodes, a canal leading away from the junction of the oviduct and the Vitelline duct opening externally or in alimentary canal
26.     Lymphatic duct (right)Longest lymphatic duct running in thoracic cavity of man
27.     Mandibular canalIn lower jaw of mammals
28.     Mullerian ductAs oviduct
29.     Nasolachrymal canalConnection between inferior nasal meatus and lachrymal sac
30.     Neurenieric canalA temporary passage connecting the cavity of the nerve cord and the archaenteron in the early embryonic stages of few chordates
31.     Neurenteric canalConnection between neural tube and archenteron in frog embryo.
32.     Pancreatic ductRefer Wirsung duct
33.     Papillary ductRefer duct of Bellini
34.     Parotid duct (Stenson’s duct)Opening of salivary parotid gland near upper molar
35.     Pharyngo-tympanic tubeRefer auditory duct
36.     Poison canalBetween poison gland and fang of a poisonous snake
37.     Rivinus DuctDuct of sublingual gland opening near tip of tongue
38.     Schlemm’s canalA channel in the eye, at the junction of the cornea and the sclera, through which the aqueous humor drains.
39.     Semicircular ductsIn internal ear to balance the body in relation to gravity during circular motion
40.     Stenson’s ductRefer Parotid duct
41.     Submaxillary duct (Wharton’s duct)Opening of submaxillary (submandibular) gland near lower molar
42.     Thoracic ductLymphatic duct in thorax and abdomen of mammals
43.     Thyroglossal ductDuct to open thyroid gland on tongue at sulcus terminalis during embryonic period
44.     Vertebrarterial canalThe canal for the vertebral artery between the two heads of the rib and the vertebra in higher vertebrates
45.     Volkman’s canalHorizontal canals interconnecting Haversian canals
46.     Wharton’s ductRefer Submaxillary duct
47.     Wirsung ductCollecting pancreatic juice from pancreas
48.     Wolffian ductThe mesonephric duct; in male amniota as the vas deferens

Physiology and anatomy