NameTypes of fibreOrgans innervatedFunctions
1.    OlfactorySensoryOlfactory mucus membranesSmell
2.    OpticSensoryRetinaVision
3.    OculomotorMotorEyeball musclesEyeball movement, control ciliary muscles, tear gland
4.    TrochlearMotorEyeball musclesEyeball movement
5.    TrigeminalMixedSkin, oral mucosa, muscles of head, face, mouthCutaneous sensation, muscle movement
6.    AbducensMotorEyeball musclesEyeball movement
7.    FacialMixedTaste buds, salivary glands, facial and neck musclesTaste, salivation, movement, tear secretion,
8.     Vestibulo-cochlear (auditory nerve)  SensoryInternal earHearing, equilibrium
9.     Glosso-pharyngeal MixedPharynx, salivary glands, tongueTaste, salivation, swallowing
10. Vagus MixedPharynx, respiratory tract, heart, pancreas, alimentary canal, blood vesselsGastric and pancreatic secretion, cardiac slowing, gastro-intestinal movement, respiratory reflexes, vasomotor reflexes
11. Spinal accessoryMotorNeck & shoulder muscles, thoracic and abdominal visceraMuscle movements, visceral reflexes
12. HypoglossalMotorMuscles of the tongueTongue movements

Physiology and anatomy