Name Types of fibre Organs innervated Functions 1. Olfactory Sensory Olfactory mucus membranes Smell 2. Optic Sensory Retina Vision 3. Oculomotor Motor Eyeball muscles Eyeball movement, control ciliary muscles, tear gland 4. Trochlear Motor Eyeball muscles Eyeball movement 5. Trigeminal Mixed Skin, oral mucosa, muscles of head, face, mouth Cutaneous sensation, muscle movement 6. Abducens Motor Eyeball muscles Eyeball movement 7. Facial Mixed Taste buds, salivary glands, facial and neck muscles Taste, salivation, movement, tear secretion, 8. Vestibulo-cochlear (auditory nerve) Sensory Internal ear Hearing, equilibrium 9. Glosso-pharyngeal Mixed Pharynx, salivary glands, tongue Taste, salivation, swallowing 10. Vagus Mixed Pharynx, respiratory tract, heart, pancreas, alimentary canal, blood vessels Gastric and pancreatic secretion, cardiac slowing, gastro-intestinal movement, respiratory reflexes, vasomotor reflexes 11. Spinal accessory Motor Neck & shoulder muscles, thoracic and abdominal viscera Muscle movements, visceral reflexes 12. Hypoglossal Motor Muscles of the tongue Tongue movements