It includes all types of study materials (Notes, PPTs, NEET, Online Tests, Question bank, Videos, Exam special etc.) arranged under each chapters.
Part-1 Botany
- 1. Biological classification
- 2. Plant kingdom
- 3. Morphology of flowering plants
- 4. Anatomy of flowering plants
- 5. Cell-The unit of Life
- 6. Cell cycle and cell division
- 7. Transport in plants
- 8. Mineral nutrition
- 9. Photosynthesis
- 10. Respiration in plants
- 11. Plant growth n development
Part-2 Zoology
- 1. The Living World
- 2. Animal Kingdom
- 3. Structural Organization in Animals
- 4. Biomolecules
- 5. Digestion and Absorption
- 6. Breathing and Exchange of Gases
- 7. Body Fluids and Circulation
- 8. Excretory Products and their Elimination
- 9. Locomotion and Movement
- 10. Neural Control and Coordination
- 11. Chemical Coordination and Integration